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Workplace Accidents

workplace injuries in Long Beach CA

The construction industry may pay well, but construction workers are exposed to dangerous and unsafe work conditions every day. Negligent operators, defective equipment or operator error can lead to catastrophic results. Common construction accident cases include:

  • Electrocutions or explosions
  • Falls from scaffolding, roofs or girders
  • Accidents involving punch presses and defective power tools
  • Forklift, crane and other heavy equipment accidents

Because workers often face more dangerous conditions when working on a construction site, in a warehouse or in a manufacturing plant, the resulting injuries from an accident can be severe, including:

  • Electrocution or electrical shock which may result in death
  • Electrical or chemical burns
  • Amputation of arms, legs, hands, fingers or toes
  • Spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis
  • Brain injuries, including TBI or concussion
  • Spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Loss of vision or hearing

No Case is Too Complex For Us

Job site accidents and construction injuries are covered by state agencies that may not fully cover all expenses. However, if a third party (a supplier of materials, a subcontractor, a general contractor or the manufacturer of defective equipment) was involved, the claim is more complicated. We have the experience and skills to handle challenging multi-party litigation. We can help you recover compensation for all past and future wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other expenses.

No fee unless we collect

I take personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis and cover all expenses up front. You don’t pay attorney fees or costs until your case is resolved. Call me today to schedule a free phone consultation to discuss your issues and see how I can help.

If you are unable to meet with me at my offices, I will meet with you in your home, at the hospital, or at a convenient location

If you or someone you love is injured in a worksite accident, consult a top worksite and construction accident attorney at 562-901-3388.