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Products Liability

Product Liability in Long Beach

Products liability is an area of personal injury law that focuses on dangerous and defective products. Our firm represents plaintiffs in the Southern California area in matters against corporations or manufacturers who have sold or manufactured unsafe products to consumers. "Products" in this instance cover a wide range of categories, including:

  • Medical devices
  • Machinery and tools
  • Medicine and Drugs
  • Food and tobacco
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Motor Vehicles
  • Automobile accessories
  • Household products and appliances
  • Toys and recreational equipment

lf you or a loved one suffered an injury, or are the survivor of someone who may have died from the use or exposure to a dangerous or defective product, it's important that you know your rights under the law. Contact us online or call us at 562-901-3388 to set up a FREE consultation with to discuss your legal options.